Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nomes - evil gnomes

Ben Wood is currently doing a month worth of OZ characters (Oztober). He said to me today "You should do an Oztober pic!!". So, I did a quick search of all the characters in that world and decided to create these 'Nomes' thingy. Apparently they're evil and grey.. so here you go.. :) They can see in the dark pretty well, hence the glowing eyes (like a cat).

On second note, I've uploaded the Tiger sculpt turntable to Vimeo. Some of you might have seen this already, but I thought I should post this up just incase. 3D Sculpt was done by the awesome Paul Braddock. :)

Tiger! from Charles Santoso on Vimeo.

We're planning to do a 3D print and make this guy into a real figurine. :D


Jez Tuya said...

Dude that is so awesome! :D You've actually inspired me to get off the computer and draw on paper for a bit haha

Unknown said...

love those nomes!!!! And thank you for the book -it is booootiful!

Mauricio Abril said...

Really cool gnomes, Charles! I wanna say 'keep it up' but you don't need it :)

Tartarian wolf eagle said...

Awesome post as usual. You should do Grug!!

Jonas bm said...

Those Nomes look awesome - has an interesting look to them. Love the texture work.

Tiger looks great, too. Looking forward to hearing more about that.

Oh, and I got the book. Loving it :D

mjasnowski said...

Nomes are awesome! Love the little lights on their hats. Haven't seen the video, thanks for sharing!

Carla Crittenden said...

Really love the texture of the nomes! Great atmosphere and coloring as usual! Amazing! :)

Pat said...

They look kinda scary, which I like, because it reminds me the scaryness in Coraline.


Junko Miyakoshi said...

Wooo scary looking guys, but they look cute at the same time!
Great characters and colors as always!


Caerphilly said...

This is definitely one of your best! From a storybook, definitely.

Ted Blackman said...

Charles, that tiger sculpt is to die for. I'm glad you posted it. Any plans to make this a traditional sculpture? hmmmm?

Dan Ferreira said...

What a cute tiger! ;)

Charles Santoso said...

Jez: Thx. Go and draw! :D

Scott: Thanks, Scott. Glad you enoyed the book too :)

Mauricio: Thx, man. Encouragements are always welcome :)

Rod: hehe one day. Grug is so funny.

Jonas: Glad to hear that. Thanks, man.

mjasnowski: glowing stoness.. very rare :P

Carla C: Thank you!

Pat: hehe :P

Junko: Thanks, Junko. :)

Caerphilly: The description of the characters were funny.. Thanks for the visit.

Ted: Heya Ted, good hear your positive respond :) I was going to make it traditionally (super sculpy) but then my friend asked me if he can model it.. so we'll do 3d print instead in the end. I'll do a traditional one for my other character one day.

Danf: Thank you!

fabcob said...

Wow, Amazing illustration as allways!

chibiaion said...

They're so evil and wickedly cool! Should I cosplay them during Halloween that would be awesome. :D
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