Hello! I discovered your work through this blog tonight. What a trip! I just walked through 2006 with great pleasure. I love and am amazed by your ability to search for other styles, other environments. Your drawings have brought me many smiles tonight. Thank you for continuing to share your accomplishments or completed! thank you thank you! Marine (France)
Hi! Please enjoy your visit. All artworks here are originally done by me (Charles Santoso) 2004-2013 (unless stated otherwise). Please do not use any of the images displayed on this blog without my permission.
beautiful stuff man. No matter what you touch...architecture, people, cute cartoony characters..it all feels you. Thats awesome
Thank you very much, Scott.. so very kind of you. Hope all is going awesome at your end. :)
Charles. These are fantastic! The first one is especially intense. Keep inspiring!
wow, nice draw, i like to see all your cartoon sir, and i made some cartoon too in my blog, see here www.mikoarcstudio.blogspot.com
Wish my sketchbook looked this cool. You really know how to design a page, Sir!
Love the sketches. The juggling bear in particular is great.
Thank you for the kind words, folks :D Appreciate it :)
Hello! I discovered your work through this blog tonight. What a trip! I just walked through 2006 with great pleasure. I love and am amazed by your ability to search for other styles, other environments. Your drawings have brought me many smiles tonight. Thank you for continuing to share your accomplishments or completed! thank you thank you! Marine (France)
@Mademoiselle: Thank you for the kind word, Marine :) :)
Love these pages Charles. Thanks for sharing, it is great to see so much charm and variety in your work.
nice work!!
This is just fantastic, Charles! Congrats!
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